Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations

Faces of CANGO 2003 Inaugural Conference at Protea Hotel, Hall A, Abuja Nigeria on 6th December 2003

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Click for Big Size: Group Picture of Some Participants at the Comonwealth Association of NGOs, CANGO Abuja Nigeria Inaugural Conference cango6.jpg (32589 bytes)
Faces of CANGO 2003 (cango7.jpg (41323 bytes)
 Dr. Georgiana Ngeri Nwagha Presenting her Paper "Networking and Coalition Building" at the Conference (cango11.jpg (39423 bytes)
Some Participants from Belize and Nigeria during Lunch Sponsored by UNICEF (cango8.jpg (30812 bytes) cango13.jpg (27887 bytes) Making Frinds, Building Networks at CANGO 2003 Participant from Nigeria and Jamaica (cango2.jpg (23119 bytes)Conference particpants at the Tea/Coffee Break Sponsord by UNICEF (cango3.jpg (30249 bytes) Rapt Attention: During a Session on Child Rights during the Conference (cango1.jpg (33974 bytes)
ccango4.jpg (24355 bytes)

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