CANG ...for a better world

Commonwealth Association of Non Governmental Organisations, CANGO 

CANGO Inaugural Conference, 2003

Protea Hotel, Hall A, Abuja, Nigeria,

6th December 2003

Theme: The Rising Global Power of NGOs: Emerging Responsibilities & Challenges

As the 54 Commonwealth Heads of Government, CHOGM converged at Abuja-Nigeria for the Bi-annual CHOGM meeting, and the Commonwealth Foundation hosted the Commonwealth Peoples Forum (CPF) alongside between December 1-7, 2003; the Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisation, CANGO, a civil society initiative independent of the Commonwealth Organisation and Foundation, enlarged the frontiers of participation at the forum and invited civil society actors, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental and government representatives operating in  the 54 member nations to  its inaugural conference at the forum.

 CANGO’s Conference 2003 at the forum held at Protea Hotel, Hall A, Abuja Nigeria on 6th December 2003during the CHOGM,  provided individuals and representatives of civil society, non-governmental  organisations, intergovernmental and government representatives with a unique opportunity to share experiences, present their ideas, identify networking interests, build new and strong partnerships, establish intra-national and international alliances, acquire inspiration for greater volunteerism, and be a part of a whole range of events that  will impact positively in shaping the future, enriching our world, empowering new progress in civil societies, and enlightening  participants in ways that will enhance the fulfillment of their individual and organisational missions, promote world peace, enhance social, political and economic well being within the Commonwealth of nations and beyond its frontiers.

 It provided participants with a forum to discus issues of common interests, introduce their organisations, discus their activities and realise better networking partnerships that will advance cooperation and sustainable impact, build governmental, intergovernmental, business and NGO relationships, expand areas of cooperation, enlarge NGO competence and influence at an international platform.

 Highlights of CANGO’s Conference included panel sessions for participants to introduce their organisations and their activities; interactive sessions to share ideas, symposia, presentation of byelaws/constitution and signing of Document of Formation, discussion of typical issues affecting Commonwealth NGOs and states with a view to forwarding a communiqué of NGOs’ position to the CHOGM for action.

 NGOs make a difference in the world today. They have proven that they are better than governments and can respond to needs than governments. As at today, NGOs deliver more development service than the United Nations and the European Union combined. The CANGO Founders’ Conference presents you with the opportunity to see different tools that can help NGOs achieve their objectives, and fulfill their missions.

 NETWORKING IS POWER: CANGO promotes networking beyond frontiers; opens up the communication channels and expands possibilities about what can be done and what should be done; mobilizing and tapping the conscience and commitment of good people who are able to make a difference in their world. Our focus is to expand and build the capacities of effective organisations for volunteerism and humanitarian service in the Commonwealth.

 ELIGIBILITY: NGOs and individuals in any of the 54 Commonwealth Countries are eligible to register as members of CANGO and to participate at the Conference. Details about eligible citizens and countries can be found online at (no www please). Citizens and NGOs o Non-Commonwealth nations can also be members under our Non-Commonwealth membership status. Please note that registration is not possible online. To register for membership, download and print the membership registration form, duly complete it and return by post or email (attachment).

The Conference held as a Commonwealth People's Forum CSO event ended with the inauguration of the International Steering Committee for CANGO with a mandate to  broaden international participation, organise follow-up programmes, enlarge membership, concretise democratic organisational structures, raise funds  and establish an effective secretariat for CANGO.

For Details of the Conference, pictures, papers presented, speeches and keynote address, click Next!

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