...for a better world
Commonwealth Association of Non Governmental Organisations, CANGO
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In the spirit of civil society renaissance, which forms the major part of our theme for the upcoming Johannesburg 2004 CANGO Social Platform Conference, CANGO believes that there is a need to provide a forum, not only to enable NGOs in the Commonwealth to express their minds about various subjects and issues including the alleged presence of civil society 'mafia' and entrenched power bases on the global terrain, but also an avenue to express their literary skills in the search for lasting resolutions of various knotty crises and issues that dog civil society and our world today. It is in this light that CANGO is organising the Annual CANGO Essay Contest.
Interested contestants may pick one of the following topics from which to write an essay of not more than 2000 words. Which essay should be submitted, typed double spaced on A4 sized paper, and should be forwarded by post to:
The Coordinator, CANGO Essay Contest 2004
CANGO Secretariat
18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3
NNDC Building, Third Floor
Box 3266, Kaduna Nigeria.
Telefon: +234-62-246201 –4, 246253 –6 Ext 2303, Mobile: +234-803-35999921
email: ,, for the 2004 entries is July 15, 2004. Prizes would be awarded December 2004
Entry Is Free !
Only members of organisations who are members of the Commonwealth Association of NGOs, CANGO shall be eligible to participate in the CANGO Essay Contest. Families and relatives of members of the CANGO International Steering Committee, ISC, are not eligible to enter for the Competition.
The Continued Relevance of the Commonwealth and the Zimbabwean Question.
Civil Society Mafia and Pseudo Democratic Forms: Impediments to the Development of Man.
The True Roles of Civil Society Organisations in Development
The Rising Global Power of NGOs and the Challenges of the Modern Age.
PRIZE MONEY: 1st Prize: $500 2nd Prize: $250 3rd Prize: $100
Winning Essays would also be published in the January 2005 editions of "Diversity" CANGO Newsletter and/or in "OCTOPOS: Journal of the Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations" . Winning entries would also be featured on the CANGO website.
Good luck!