Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO





Categories of Membership:    r Junior     r Regular     r Senior      r Individual           r Non-Commonwealth


* Junior membership status is open to any Non-Governmental Organisation in any of the 52 Commonwealth countries. Regular Organisation members have one vote in council meetings

* Regular membership status is open to any Non-Governmental Organisation in any of the 52 Commonwealth countries. Regular Organisation members have one vote in council meetings.

* Senior membership status is given to selected organisations in line with CANGO’s policies and is at discretion of the International Council and has two votes at council meetings. Nomination and selection to this class of membership is at the discretion of the International Council and International Executive Committee

* Individuals wishing to be members can apply for the individual status membership status of CANGO. Individual members do not vote at council meetings.


Name of Organisation:_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Contact:_________________________________________________________________________________


Business/Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________

City:____________________State/Province:________________________Zip/Postal Code____________________

Country:___________________________  Phone #s:________________________________ Fax:___________________________________

Email:__________________________________________  Other Phones:__________________________________ Mobile_______________

Country of Citizenship:________________________             Country of Residence:_____________________________











No of programs


Main objectives (goals) of your organisation










Targets group(s)


Geographical Coverage/Scope of Operationr Local (I)             r National (N)           r International (I)


Area of expertise


Number of members


Focus area :



Local Affiliation/Collaboration (if any)







International Affiliations/Collaborations (if any)







Registration status locally and internationally:






Membership Registration Fees

CANGO members pay annual dues as determined by the International council each year. A one-off lifetime membership fee is also available. Current ruling annual rules are as follows:

r Junior Members  $50       rRegular Members  $100         r Individual   $100      r Non-Commonwealth  $150      

r Lifetime Membership  $2000  NOTE: 50% off for NGOs in least developed countries.


Small NGOs may however apply for membership fee discounts and such application for discounts may be forwarded along with completed membership application forms to the Membership Committee. Such applications must state amount such members would be in a position to pay in the alternative to the standard fees. Approval or otherwise shall be at the discretion of the M-Committee


Payment is accepted in US Dollars or the Nigerian Naira equivalent at current official exchange rates.

 Method of Payment: Cheques, Money Orders, Western Union (Receiver: Dele Israel) will be the only acceptable form of payment for registration. Please send cheques or money order for the full amount payable to Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO, 18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3, NNDC Building, Third Floor, Box 3266 Kaduna 800001, Nigeria. Telefon: +234-62-246201 –4, 246253 –6 Ext 2303, Mobile: +234-803-35999921  email:  web: (no www please).


I on behalf of my organisation hereby apply for membership of the Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO and undertake to abide by its byelaws.


I understand that acceptance or otherwise of my organisation or self for membership of CANGO is at the discretion of CANGO’s Membership Committee.


Name of Organisation: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Name of Signatory: _________________________________________________________________________________________


Signature _____________________________                                    Date.______________________________

To register for membership of CANGO, save and/or print this page, duly complete it and send it as an email attachment or by post through surface mail.  CANGO is a free association of NGOs in the Commonwealth and a civil society initiative independent of the Commonwealth Foundation and or the Commonwealth Organisation.

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