... for a better world




CANG ...for a better world

Commonwealth Association of Non Governmental Organisations, CANGO 

The Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO is strictly a not for profit voluntary organisation whose aims and objectives exist only in the realm of bettering the lives of the world's peoples and for achieving set objectives basically of charity, including better quality of life and towards this, the sustenance of democracy.

The CANGO effort and project is only sustainable by the donations and sponsorship of willing giving and assistance by well meaning individuals, corporate bodies and even governments and intergovernmental bodies worldwide.

CANGO is focused on the strengthening of non-profts capacity to deliver on their missions and a donation to CANGO may certainly only be a donation to that hurting next child you may see.

We are therefore calling here on well meaning members of the global community to make donations or endowments, sponsor and/or lend cash or other assistance towards CANGO's efforts towards striving the world a better place for not only for you and I, but indeed for generations yet unborn.

This is basically a personal message.

  • I want to make a donation

  • I want to make an endowment

  • I want to sponsor CANGO Johannesburg 2004

  • I want to undertake a CANGO Programme

Prospective CANGO Assistance Partners are assured of the strictest transparency and efficiency in the employment of such donations, sponsorships or assistance as may be given.  

"...Public money, positions and offices, must not be used for selfish purposes; the sanctity of the environment is to be respected, all public assets are to be treated as a sacred, public trust and with utmost seriousness."  - Article 3 (6) of the CANGO Byelaws cum Constitution

Priority will be given to CANGO Assistance Partners and Contributors in the provision of reports and answers to enquiries as to the employment of their donated funds and properties.

Donations can be made in cash, cheques, bank drafts, wire , western union, properties or 'specific sponsorship undertaking' forms.

All cheque or draft donations can be made payable to "Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO" via post to the address below, or directly to CANGO's designated Bank Account with the following details.

  • Account Name: Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO

  • Bank:   Omegabank Plc, Kaduna Main, Kaduna Nigeria

  • Account Number:  0131052122217

Donations in kind and sponsorship undertakings can be communicated directly by phone or email to CANGO Secretariat with which details as to realisation and or facilitation shall be worked out.

Names of donating/assisting individuals and organisations would be published periodically by CANGO together with specific sums. The anonymity to so desiring donors and contributors would also be respected.

CANGO Secretariat
18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3
NNDC Building, Third Floor
Box 3266, Kaduna Nigeria.
Telefon: +234-62-246201 –4, 246253 –6 Ext 2303, Mobile: +234-803-35999921 
cangohq@yahoo.co.uk , cango@eudoramail.com, cangoabuja@yahoo.co.uk
