All over the world, the dream for development has not been matched with the results achieved. The millennium development goals, although necessary, appears unattainable and unrealistic for a majority of the world.

The challenge of courage in pursuit of these goals, the need for leadership and concerted collective effort, the need for more open societies and systems to address the worlds ills, have become more imperative now than at any time in human history.

The appalling poverty in Africa and Asia, the worrisome state of moral decay in most of the developed world, and the breaking down of family values worldwide, increasing diseases, revolutionary dimensions of conflict, and escalating illiteracy, have not been matched by the unprecedented level of technological development we have been witnessing since the 20th Century. The Conference of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Commonwealth examines all these and seeks to proffer practical solutions for a better world with better quality of life.

CANGO ... for a better world      Conference of NGOs in the Commonwealth