Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations
Donations and contributions in cash or kind to CANGO is a worthwhile event that goes a long way. $1 dollar contribution can provide a child with food for a month, $50 dollar contributions will enable young girls acquire basic education and learn about their rights; $100 contributions provides a modest accommodation for a widow for six months, or sponsor an NGO volunteer to attend our annual conference; $1000 dollar contributions will assist in empowering NGOs to do more work, empower one youth with finance enabling him/her to setup an income generating business that will assist him/her utilise his skills and education in solving the problems of poverty and contributing to human development, and avoid social vices $75 contributions will enable us to take the peace to conflict zones; $25 contributions will enable us make grants to NGOs to rent offices and carry out their small projects and meet the needs of their communities. $1 dollar may be little but it could save someone's life in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean or in pacific Oceania. Do it through us. From the little donations to the millions of dollars, we shall use these funds transparently and judiciously to improve the quality of life, touch the lives of the poor, the sick, the victims of conflict, poverty, disease, illiteracy and environmental degradation and make our world a better and safer place. CANGO is focused on the strengthening of non-profits capacity to deliver on their missions and a donation to CANGO may certainly only be a donation to that hurting next child you may see. Donations can be made in cash, cheques, bank drafts, wire ,western union, properties, grants, endowments or 'specific sponsorship undertaking' forms. All cheques or draft donations can be made payable to "Commonwealth Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, CANGO" via post to the address below, or directly to CANGO's designated Bank Account with the following details.
All enquiries and donations, sponsorships and endowments to: CANGO Secretariat,
18/19 Ahmadu Bello Way, Suite TF3