International Conscience Choir
Pedagogy By Music: A concept in line with the manifesto of the Global Justice Movement (GJM); the same GJM's Modern Progression and International Man's Concepts extended to connotations that: conscience is also one universally and that modern music can be a potent weapon to prick and awaken all consciences towards the common good.
Conceptualized towards the heartfelt purpose of reawakening awareness and deep empathy towards the plight of the oppressed, downtrodden and cheated international civil society, through the virtually irresistible weapon of soul touching music. Music rendered by caring civil society for suffering civil society and through otherwise impervious walls of insensitivity, conservatism and outmoded traditions.
We want to touch the world through music, awaken consciences and awareness towards the plight of the oppressed; To touch and criticise governments or other authorities where necessary; sing for justice; fight for justice if necessary; exposing evil ... a free-wheeling caravan of music, visiting countries, touring climes, if we are allowed (for we shall sing and speak only the truth).
The International Conscience Choir, like its parent the GJM, believes in and sings only for good governance through justice and democracy.
The Founding Committee of the Global Justice Movement led by Tunde Akodu, a Nigerian Lawyer, hereby calls for expressions of interest by interested vocalists and musicians the world over for participation in this concept of the international conscience Choir as expounded above.
Efforts are currently being made to contact international would be partners in the mould of global musical leading lights to get them to sign on unto this idea also; the results of these efforts would be communicated to you periodically as we maintain contact, dear partner. You out there are also required and encouraged to establish contact with some of these musical greats in your country or clime and to intimate them of this concept. Such individuals could also be directed to this website for more information as they may require. We would be delighted to receive details of some of these your efforts - successes or otherwise as well as suggestions or advice and other input as you may be willing to give as we go along with this idea.
International Conscience Choir is still in its formative stages as conceptualised by Tunde Akodu Esq, and heartfelt invitations are hereby requested for direct musical participation and input including facilitative cash or material support and advise are hereby requested towards the furtherance of this noble concept.
The International Full Choir plans to convene for the first time during the Johannesburg 2004 CANGO Social Platform, CSP, July 28 - August 1, 2004.
The Global Justice Movement is an ideology; an articulated pan civil society movement directed by the conviction of bringing about world peace by bringing about world justice. It is a notion any independent persona or organisation can safely 'steal', subscribe to, as it is in line with bringing about justice.
The manifesto of the movement runs along the theme that most injustice in the world today can be eradicated by ensuring the workings of true democracy worldwide; by in turn eradicating bogus and pseudo-democratic government stricto sensu and pseudo civil society forms which are creating man-made imbalances and injustice in the global social system.
Further contact and enquiries should be made to Tunde Akodu, in care of CANGO Secretariat or via email: tunde8000@yahoo.com
See publications and download academic paper by the Initiator of GDM: